“If only we were back in Egypt!”
“We should never have left!”
“Were there not sufficient graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?”
Apparently, it’s a human phenomenon to want to be somewhere other than where we are.
Hence single folks might wish they weren’t single. Married folks might wonder if they married the wrong one. Employed people might wish they had a different boss. I’ve certainly felt all of those.
Yet I’ve never experienced real movement and blessing in my life that wasn’t first accompanied by a letting go, an acceptance of the circumstances I’ve found myself in. That’s where I’ve found new outlooks, solutions, paths forward. I don’t always know how to replicate that healthy surrender, but I am a little less enamored by the “if only I were elsewhere” thinking. It’s just not so helpful.
Our Sages teach that our success in life comes from the gift of divine counsel. Moment to moment, God is bestowing us wisdom precisely helpful to us for the moment and place we’re living. But we’re the receivers, the antennae to that wisdom. Being overly enamored with somewhere we aren’t is akin to tuning the receiver to another channel.
I take this opportunity to invite you to a special three day event starting this coming Sunday: the 4th Annual Innate Health Conference. I have found this understanding to be very helpful in learning to make peace with where we’re at. When we do that, it’s striking how well the signal and the receiver work.